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Dehghani: Abadiran initiated the movement to pay attention to the capacities of deprived areas

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, said about the targeting of Abadiran's national program to pay attention to the capacity of deprived areas and link technologies and innovations of knowledge-based companies to these areas.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in the opening ceremony for the first period of the exhibition about technologies and products for the elimination of deprivation in Abadiran, referring to the creation of a platform for the interaction and synergy of the public and private sectors in the way of recognizing the latent capacities of less privileged areas, said: This auspicious event, which took place with the presence of a dear and precious group of scientists, elites, technologists, owners of knowledge-based companies, government and private institutions active in the field of deprivation, is the beginning of a continuous and serious flow to recognize the capacities of deprived areas and develop these areas. It will come with the help of technology, innovation and jihad effort.

Dehghani considered the national program of Abadiran as a great movement in the connection between technology and innovation of knowledge-based, technological and creative companies with the support and participation of more than 28 government and private institutions and added: this movement, which is initiated in the form of the national program of Abadiran, is an alignment and accompanying all governmental and non-governmental institutions active in the development of Iran and the promotion of underprivileged areas, which is combined with the pillars of knowledge, technology and innovation.

The head of the National Elites Foundation considered the synergy and sympathy of government and private institutions as a distinctive feature of this national program and added: the nature of coming together and standing together in this national program is a valuable event and Abadiran has provided a platform for the vectors of be aligned, be on the same path and accelerate the development while synergizing capabilities and upgrading resources.

Referring to the mission of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy in the popularization of knowledge-based economy, Dehghani added: We are following the standardization of employment and production and saving the costs of creating employment by helping small workshops and productions. Based on the supreme leader's insistence on popularizing the economy so that people can see its fruits in the employment of their lives and tables, one of the main priorities of Abadiran's program is to use the local capacities of deprived areas and create employment.

Referring to the rich economic and human capacities hidden in deprived areas, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy said: Our deprived areas are not deprived in terms of territorial capacities, which happen to be very virgin and untouched in this area and are full of capacities that are known. They are also rich in human capacities because they are full of extraordinary human capacities due to a clean and healthy life. Young people in less privileged areas with their high talents, although they are less known, but if they are discovered and linked to the flow of science and technology in the country, they will be value creators and transformative.

He added: The event that this program creates is the creation and launch of a movement of attention to the existing territorial opportunities, linking these capacities with the country's scientific and technological capabilities and using the rich human and territorial capacities for employment, value and prosperity.

Dehghani expressed his hope that this link to potentials hidden in areas with technology and employment innovation will be in the form of the national program of Abadiran for Abadiran.

It should be mentioned that on the sidelines of this ceremony, the financing system for the national program of Abadiran was unveiled, focusing on the creation of technological businesses in deprived areas.

Also, financing for the provision of 40 special tablets for the blind was realized with the participation of devices participating in the national program of Abadiran.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 91412

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